Communication with Parents

We have various systems for parent communication with the belief that the student-family-school relationship is of utmost importance for developing balanced, happy and successful individuals.

We make presentations on our academic program at the beginning of the year and continue our communication through the K12 system throughout the year, which is supported by written documents such as parent manuals. Additionally, we inform our parents about the course contents through the MEÇ bulletin summarizing studies carried out at all levels. Paying special attention to the importance of individual meetings, parent meetings take place twice a year on predetermined dates where the student is evaluated academically, socially and emotionally. Apart from weekly anecdotes written in bilingual languages at preschool, report cards at all levels are shared with parents every semester.

In addition to these structured meetings and reports, our academic staff and administrators are open to individual communication and feedbacks.

We aim to give parents the opportunity to contribute to school life with our regular meetings that we carry out with the parent-teacher association consisting of our voluntary parents.

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